Release Notes


RepairStack v 2.1.5

Forced Formatting for Email & Phone Fields

Fixed an issue where phone # could exceed 10 digits, and force phone # formatting for a better user experience.  For emails, user cannot submit repair request unless a “.com” of 2 or 3 characters is at the end of the email field.

First-time plug-in installation includes preset posts for repair types, and device types

For first time installers, we’ve now included a preset amount of devices, device categories, repair types, and device types for quick installation and time to use.  Now, when you download RepairStack for the first time, all you need to do to start using the plug-in is add a location.  RepairStack will come pre-loaded with everything else you need to get started!


RepairStack v 2.1.4

Import / Export

Import / Export complete.  Backend users can now export by devices, brands, repair types, repair options, and bundles.  Can bulk edit by CSV, and re-import to update line items.

Anchor Points on Next/Previous

Changed anchor points on next previous steps.  When end-user goes to the next step, form now anchors to the next header text to create less confusion.  Before, end-user would be in the middle of the form on the next step, now, user is sent back to the top to follow progression easier.

Reset all Repair Prices

Added button in back-end for reset of all repair prices on all devices, for hard refresh of inventory.


RepairStack v 2.1.3


Export function created, can how successfully export by devices, brands, repair types, repair options.

Button Global Branding

Updated final submission button to adopt global color set in the backend.

Final Step Optimization

Updated submission to query a successful submission first, while in the background processing full submission details.  Optimization of final submission load time, leading to higher conversion numbers.


RepairStack v 2.1.2


Added bundle segmentation by both repair type and device type.  Before, it was only added to repair type, creating confusion for bundles where a phone upsell might appear on a laptop submission.

Quick Next Step Optimization

Added the feature where, when someone selects all options needed for a step, it automatically takes them to the next step.  Only applies to first step and third step, as they may have multiple repair option needs, or may select multiple bundles.

Advanced Auto-Query for Locations and Bundles

If there is only 1 location in the back-end, it will automatically skip the location step and pre-select the one location.  If there are multiple locations, then it will display that step, and allow the user to select the location nearest them by zip code (input manually) or by location (button and user permission).

For bundles, if there is no bundle option for a repair type and device type, it will automatically skip this step.


RepairStack v 2.1.1

UI / UX Improvements

Flex layout for mobile updated, where repair options and device types were stacking, creating more scroll distance for the end-user.  Updated for mobile, where these items flex-wrap so, depending on device, they will scroll less.

Updated loading arrow.

Custom Thank You Page

In the backend, user or manager can now set a custom thank you page URL for better conversion tracking and optimizing Key Events.

Device Data Entry Issue

Fixed an issue where, if a device in the backend had a checked repair type or custom price set for a repair type, adding a new repair type wouldn’t update that devices available options.

Slow Query on Final Step

Fixed a hang up where, when the user would start inputting their personal details on the final step, the submission details would update very slowly, leading to hang ups or incorrect details submissions.

Custom Message input for SMS Followup

Added input box for SMS text, where backend user can add a custom SMS message for SMS follow-up.  Includes shortcode documentation for easy input of shortcodes for instant price quoting fetched from the backend.

Sum of Repair Cost

If user adds multiple repair options on form, and each repair option has a price, then it will deliver and instant email and SMS quote of the sum of those repair options.  If user selects one repair option with a price, and one without a price, it will deliver custom message to call store for details.

Hex Color Picker

For global branding, added hex color input for exact brand colors.


RepairStack v 2.1.0

A Brand New Experience

Version 1.0 of RepairStack was built as a custom solution for the repair stores we service for all marketing needs.  While it was a great tool for us to use internally, it wasn’t built to allow for other stores to be able to easily use.

Version 2.0+ is a completely rebuilt RepairStack, where we’ve implemented all of the functionality we created in an easy to use backend in WordPress.  This allows for any and all stores on WordPress to download our plug-in, curate if for their needs, and start getting those submissions!

This includes: 

..and more!  We’re always looking to improve our plug-in, and listening to feedback from store owners like you to make this plugin the best tool it can be for your repair store.

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